HIC Person
This describes the minimal data required in order to allow ICU admissions to be identified and patients to be matched between sites.
Additional integrity rules:
- The CARE_SITE table must feature each hospital that is contributing data and either a single ward to represent the ICU, or each individual ICU bed.
- Most (90 - 95% of) Person records must have all the standard identifiers.
- Every Visit Occurrence must be linked to a specific hospital or Trust (as appropriate given the local Trust practices).
- Every Visit Occurrence must be linked to one or more Visit Details, which must each be in an ICU bed or ward.
This milestone requires the tables:
- PERSON - Records people
- DEATH - Records deaths
- LOCATION - For recording street addresses
- VISIT_OCCURRENCE - For recording hospital visits
- VISIT_DETAIL - For recording the ICU admissions
- CARE_SITE - For recoding beds / wards / hospitals
- OBSERVATION - For recording misc identifiers (NHS number, name, etc.)
Excluded tables:
- PROVIDER - Records healthcare providers (physicians, nurses, midwives, etc.). Please, DO NOT include provider ids in the linked tables PERSON, VISIT_OCCURRENCE and OBSERVATION. We will only plan to add this data if it is required by a project.