Alchemist / Critical Care

Documentation on the data exchange format for HIC Critical Care and the Alchemist ingestion pipeline.


The RELATIONSHIP table provides a reference list of all types of relationships that can be used to associate any two concepts in the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table.

Field Required Type FK Table Description
relationship_id Yes varchar(20)   The type of relationship captured by the relationship record.
relationship_name Yes varchar(255)   The text that describes the relationship type.
is_hierarchical Yes varchar(1)   Defines whether a relationship defines concepts into classes or hierarchies. Values are “1” for hierarchical relationship or “0” if not.
defines_ancestry Yes varchar(1)   Defines whether a hierarchical relationship contributes to the concept_ancestor table. These are subsets of the hierarchical relationships. Valid values are “1” or “0”.
reverse_relationship_id Yes varchar(20) RELATIONSHIP The identifier for the relationship used to define the reverse relationship between two concepts.
relationship_concept_id Yes bigint CONCEPT A foreign key that refers to an identifier for the unique relationship concept.


  • There is one record for each Relationship.
  • Relationships are classified as hierarchical (parent-child) or non-hierarchical (lateral)
  • They are used to determine which concept relationship records should be included in the computation of the CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table.
  • The relationship_id field contains an alphanumerical identifier, that can also be used as the abbreviation of the Relationship.
  • The relationship_name field contains the unabbreviated names of the Relationship.
  • Relationships all exist symmetrically, i.e. in both direction. The relationship_id of the opposite Relationship is provided in the reverse_relationship_id field.
  • Each Relationship also has an equivalent entry in the Concept table, which is recorded in the relationship_concept_id field. This is for purposes of creating a closed Information Model, where all entities in the OMOP CDM are covered by unique Concepts.
  • Hierarchical Relationships are used to build a hierarchical tree out of the Concepts, which is recorded in the CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table. For example, “has_ingredient” is a Relationship between Concept of the Concept Class “Clinical Drug” and those of “Ingredient”, and all Ingredients can be classified as the “parental” hierarchical Concepts for the drug products they are part of. All “Is a” Relationships are hierarchical.
  • Relationships, also hierarchical, can be between Concepts within the same Vocabulary or those adopted from different Vocabulary sources.
  • In past versions of the RELATIONSHIP table, the relationship_id used to be a numerical value. A conversion table between these old and new IDs is given below:

    Previous Relationship_id Version 5 Relationship_id
    1 LOINC replaced by
    2 Has precise ing
    3 Has tradename
    4 RxNorm has dose form
    5 Has form
    6 RxNorm has ing
    7 Constitutes
    8 Contains
    9 Reformulation of
    10 Subsumes
    11 NDFRT has dose form
    12 Induces
    13 May diagnose
    14 Has physio effect
    15 Has CI physio effect
    16 NDFRT has ing
    17 Has CI chem class
    18 Has MoA
    19 Has CI MoA
    20 Has PK
    21 May treat
    22 CI to
    23 May prevent
    24 Has metabolites
    25 Has metabolism
    26 May be inhibited by
    27 Has chem structure
    28 NDFRT - RxNorm eq
    29 Has recipient cat
    30 Has proc site
    31 Has priority
    32 Has pathology
    33 Has part of
    34 Has severity
    35 Has revision status
    36 Has access
    37 Has occurrence
    38 Has method
    39 Has laterality
    40 Has interprets
    41 Has indir morph
    42 Has indir device
    43 Has specimen
    44 Has interpretation
    45 Has intent
    46 Has focus
    47 Has manifestation
    48 Has active ing
    49 Has finding site
    50 Has episodicity
    51 Has dir subst
    52 Has dir morph
    53 Has dir device
    54 Has component
    55 Has causative agent
    56 Has asso morph
    57 Has asso finding
    58 Has measurement
    59 Has property
    60 Has scale type
    61 Has time aspect
    62 Has specimen proc
    63 Has specimen source
    64 Has specimen morph
    65 Has specimen topo
    66 Has specimen subst
    67 Has due to
    68 Has relat context
    69 Has dose form
    70 Occurs after
    71 Has asso proc
    72 Has dir proc site
    73 Has indir proc site
    74 Has proc device
    75 Has proc morph
    76 Has finding context
    77 Has proc context
    78 Has temporal context
    79 Findinga sso with
    80 Has surgical appr
    81 Using device
    82 Using energy
    83 Using subst
    84 Using acc device
    85 Has clinical course
    86 Has route of admin
    87 Using finding method
    88 Using finding inform
    92 ICD9P - SNOMED eq
    93 CPT4 - SNOMED cat
    94 CPT4 - SNOMED eq
    125 MedDRA - SNOMED eq
    126 Has FDA-appr ind
    127 Has off-label ind
    129 Has CI
    130 ETC - RxNorm
    131 ATC - RxNorm
    132 SMQ - MedDRA
    135 LOINC replaces
    136 Precise ing of
    137 Tradename of
    138 RxNorm dose form of
    139 Form of
    140 RxNorm ing of
    141 Consists of
    142 Contained in
    143 Reformulated in
    144 Is a
    145 NDFRT dose form of
    146 Induced by
    147 Diagnosed through
    148 Physiol effect by
    149 CI physiol effect by
    150 NDFRT ing of
    151 CI chem class of
    152 MoA of
    153 CI MoA of
    154 PK of
    155 May be treated by
    156 CI by
    157 May be prevented by
    158 Metabolite of
    159 Metabolism of
    160 Inhibits effect
    161 Chem structure of
    162 RxNorm - NDFRT eq
    163 Recipient cat of
    164 Proc site of
    165 Priority of
    166 Pathology of
    167 Part of
    168 Severity of
    169 Revision status of
    170 Access of
    171 Occurrence of
    172 Method of
    173 Laterality of
    174 Interprets of
    175 Indir morph of
    176 Indir device of
    177 Specimen of
    178 Interpretation of
    179 Intent of
    180 Focus of
    181 Manifestation of
    182 Active ing of
    183 Finding site of
    184 Episodicity of
    185 Dir subst of
    186 Dir morph of
    187 Dir device of
    188 Component of
    189 Causative agent of
    190 Asso morph of
    191 Asso finding of
    192 Measurement of
    193 Property of
    194 Scale type of
    195 Time aspect of
    196 Specimen proc of
    197 Specimen identity of
    198 Specimen morph of
    199 Specimen topo of
    200 Specimen subst of
    201 Due to of
    202 Relat context of
    203 Dose form of
    204 Occurs before
    205 Asso proc of
    206 Dir proc site of
    207 Indir proc site of
    208 Proc device of
    209 Proc morph of
    210 Finding context of
    211 Proc context of
    212 Temporal context of
    213 Asso with finding
    214 Surgical appr of
    215 Device used by
    216 Energy used by
    217 subst used by
    218 Acc device used by
    219 Clinical course of
    220 Route of admin of
    221 Finding method of
    222 Finding inform of
    226 SNOMED - ICD9P eq
    227 SNOMED cat - CPT4
    228 SNOMED - CPT4 eq
    239 SNOMED - MedDRA eq
    240 Is FDA-appr ind of
    241 Is off-label ind of
    243 Is CI of
    244 RxNorm - ETC
    245 RxNorm - ATC
    246 MedDRA - SMQ
    247 Ind/CI - SNOMED
    248 SNOMED - ind/CI
    275 Has therap class
    276 Therap class of
    277 Drug-drug inter for
    278 Has drug-drug inter
    279 Has pharma prep
    280 Pharma prep in
    281 Inferred class of
    282 Has inferred class
    283 SNOMED proc - HCPCS
    284 HCPCS - SNOMED proc
    285 RxNorm - NDFRT name
    286 NDFRT - RxNorm name
    287 ETC - RxNorm name
    288 RxNorm - ETC name
    289 ATC - RxNorm name
    290 RxNorm - ATC name
    291 HOI - SNOMED
    292 SNOMED - HOI
    293 DOI - RxNorm
    294 RxNorm - DOI
    295 HOI - MedDRA
    296 MedDRA - HOI
    297 NUCC - CMS Specialty
    298 CMS Specialty - NUCC
    299 DRG - MS-DRG eq
    300 MS-DRG - DRG eq
    301 DRG - MDC cat
    302 MDC cat - DRG
    303 Visit cat - PoS
    304 PoS - Visit cat
    305 VAProd - NDFRT
    306 NDFRT - VAProd
    307 VAProd - RxNorm eq
    308 RxNorm - VAProd eq
    309 RxNorm replaced by
    310 RxNorm replaces
    311 SNOMED replaced by
    312 SNOMED replaces
    313 ICD9P replaced by
    314 ICD9P replaces
    315 Multilex has ing
    316 Multilex ing of
    317 RxNorm - Multilex eq
    318 Multilex - RxNorm eq
    319 Multilex ing - class
    320 Class - Multilex ing
    321 Maps to
    322 Mapped from
    325 Map includes child
    326 Included in map from
    327 Map excludes child
    328 Excluded in map from
    345 UCUM replaced by
    346 UCUM replaces
    347 Concept replaced by
    348 Concept replaces
    349 Concept same_as to
    350 Concept same_as from
    351 Concept alt_to to
    352 Concept alt_to from
    353 Concept poss_eq to
    354 Concept poss_eq from
    355 Concept was_a to
    356 Concept was_a from
    357 SNOMED meas - HCPCS
    358 HCPCS - SNOMED meas
    359 Domain subsumes
    360 Is domain