Alchemist for HIC Hearing Health

The Alchemist Project is part of the core HIC initiatives supported by UCL/UCLH.


Working notes on how to provide access to data to each site whilst minimising exposure to direct identifiers and minimising the risk of re-identification via indirect identifiers.

Technical options considered:

  • Keep a single centralised schema and use views to present anonymised identifiers.
  • Maintain an anonymised copy of the data (this simplifies the management of permissions but takes more space and may incur in synchronisation errors).
  • Provide column- and table-level permissions, hiding identifiable data.

These notes will be built up as per each “bundle”.

OMOP Person bundle

Hide the following items:

  • person_source_value : this is very likely to be the local MRN (Medical Record Number).

Replace the following items:

  • person_id : in Silver, we will assume that the id is potentially identifying (i.e. it is possible but unlikely that sites chose to use the local hospital number). This value will be replaced by a generated number when transferring data into Gold.

Do not hide the following items (on the basis that these are not direct identifiers):

  • Columns relating to the patient’s date of birth.
  • Columns relating to gender.

Data Visibility

Data Category Fields Description BUNDLE Silver Gold PSEUDO anonymised Bespoke Release
Episode Descriptor person_id ID unique to the data set OMOP PERSON Yes Yes Yes
Episode Descriptor person_source_value ID unique at the patients site OMOP PERSON Yes No No
Direct identifier NHS number Only used for Data Linkage HIC PERSON Yes No No
Identifying year_of_birth   OMOP PERSON Yes Yes Provided as age at admission
Direct identifier birth_date_time   OMOP PERSON Yes Provided as age at admission Provided as age at admission
Direct identifier death_date   HIC PERSON Yes No No
Identifying Post Code Hospital, GP, Person HIC PERSON Yes Max 2 inbound or transformation to deprivation index Deprivation Index Only
Date time visit_start_date Hospital HIC PERSON Yes Only if directly required by research question  
Date time visit_end_date Hospital HIC PERSON Yes Only if directly required by research question  
Date time Multiple possibilites Tests, interventions, results All Bundles Yes Only if directly required by research question