Alchemist for HIC Hearing Health

The Alchemist Project is part of the core HIC initiatives supported by UCL/UCLH.


The MEASUREMENT table contains records of Measurement, i.e. structured values (numerical or categorical) obtained about a Person or Person’s sample. It contains results of Measurements such as laboratory tests, vital signs, quantitative findings from pathology reports, etc.

Field Required Type FK Table Description
measurement_id Yes bigint   A unique identifier for each Measurement.
person_id Yes bigint PERSON A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the measurement was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.
measurement_concept_id Yes bigint CONCEPT A foreign key to the standard measurement concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.
measurement_date Yes date   The UTC date of the Measurement.
measurement_datetime No datetime   The result / EPR entry UTC datetime of the Measurement.
measurement_time No varchar(10)   Not used.
measurement_type_concept_id No bigint CONCEPT Not used.
operator_concept_id Yes if value_as_number is used bigint CONCEPT A foreign key identifier to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the mathematical operator that is applied to the value_as_number . See Operator below.
value_as_number No numeric/float   A Measurement result where the result is expressed as a numeric value.
value_as_concept_id No bigint CONCEPT A foreign key to a Measurement result represented as a Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.).
unit_concept_id No bigint CONCEPT A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of Measurement Units in the Standardized Vocabularies.
range_low No numeric/float   The lower limit of the normal range of the Measurement. Assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value.
range_high No numeric/float   The upper limit of the normal range of the Measurement. Assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value.
provider_id No bigint PROVIDER Not used.
visit_occurrence_id No bigint VISIT_OCCURRENCE A foreign key to the Visit Occurrence during which the Measurement was recorded.
visit_detail_id No bigint VISIT_DETAIL A foreign key to the Visit Detail during which the Measurement was recorded.
measurement_source_value No varchar(100)   Not used.
measurement_source_concept_id No bigint CONCEPT Not used.
unit_source_value No varchar(100)   Not used.
value_source_value No varchar(100)   Not used.
last_updated_datetime Yes datetime   Initially this is the time the row was written to OMOP. If the row is subsequently updated, it then becomes the most recent update time.
deleted_datetime No datetime   NULL initially. Set to the time when the row was marked for deletion. A value in this column sent to the central data source will result in this row being deleted (by person_id ) from the combined dataset. Deletions only need to be sent once.


  • Measurements differ from Observations in that their results are either categorical coded values or numbers. Observations are anything else.
  • Measurements are stored as attribute-value pairs, with the attribute as the Measurement Concept and the value representing the result. The value can be a Concept (stored in value_as_concept ), or a numerical value (value_as_number ) with a Unit (unit_concept_id ).
  • Valid Concepts for the value_as_concept field belong to the “Meas Value” domain.
  • If reference ranges for upper and lower limits of normal are provided (typically by a laboratory) these are stored in the range_high and range_low fields. Ranges have the same unit as the value_as_number .
  • The Visit during which the Measurement was made is recorded through a reference to the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. This information is optional.

Standard Mappings


Code Name
4171756 <
4171754 <=
4172703 =
4172704 >
4171755 >=