Alchemist for HIC Hearing Health

The Alchemist Project is part of the core HIC initiatives supported by UCL/UCLH.

OMOP Person

This describes the first dataset that must be created and submitted by each site. The primary purpose of this data bundle is to:

  • Identify patients of interest and their ages.
  • Ensure that the site can set up a local ETL pipeline.
  • Ensure that files for transfer can be created successfully.
  • Ensure that data can flow all the way through to central processing.
  • Ensure that the site can receive quality evaluation reports.

While this data bundle is quite small, compliance with it will be measured very strictly, as any issues at this stage create a significant risk for further data bundles.

This data bundle requires:

  • The PERSON table with only a subset of columns populated.
    • person_id
    • person_source_value
    • Columns relating to the patient’s date of birth
    • last_updated_datetime
    • deleted_datetime

The following must all be confirmed before proceeding:

  • Data can be added
  • Data can be deleted
  • Data can be updated

Inclusion criteria

  1. Do not send patients who have opted-out via the national opt-out scheme.