Alchemist for HIC Hearing Health

The Alchemist Project is part of the core HIC initiatives supported by UCL/UCLH.


The Specimen domain contains the records identifying biological samples from a Person.

Field Required Type FK Table Description
specimen_id Yes bigint   A unique identifier for each specimen.
person_id Yes bigint PERSON A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the Specimen is recorded.
specimen_concept_id Yes bigint CONCEPT A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Specimen (arterial blood, urine, etc).
specimen_type_concept_id No bigint CONCEPT Not used.
specimen_date Yes date   The UTC date the specimen was obtained from the Person.
specimen_datetime No datetime   The UTC date and time when the Specimen was obtained from the Person.
quantity No numeric   Not used.
unit_concept_id No bigint CONCEPT Not used.
anatomic_site_concept_id No bigint CONCEPT A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the anatomic location of specimen collection.
disease_status_concept_id No bigint CONCEPT Not used.
specimen_source_id No varchar(50)   Not used.
specimen_source_value No varchar(50)   Not used.
unit_source_value No varchar(50)   Not used.
anatomic_site_source_value No varchar(50)   Not used.
disease_status_source_value No varchar(50)   Not used.
last_updated_datetime Yes datetime   Initially this is the time the row was written to OMOP. If the row is subsequently updated, it then becomes the most recent update time.
deleted_datetime No datetime   NULL initially. Set to the time when the row was marked for deletion. A value in this column sent to the central data source will result in this row being deleted (by person_id ) from the combined dataset. Deletions only need to be sent once.


  • Values for specimen_concept_id should come from the Specimen domain. These describe what the specimen was (blood, urine, etc).
  • Anatomic site is coded at the most specific level of granularity possible, such that higher level classifications can be derived using the Standardized Vocabularies. These should come from the “Spec Anatomic Site” domain.
  • Any sample (blood, sputum, urine, tissue etc.) is stored here with datetimes referencing the time the sample was taken.