A repository of research projects being carried at UCL and UCLH. The information is aimed at the data science community, to learn how patient data is being used to help improve healthcare, and provide exemplar synthetic data supporting the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.)

SAFEHR (Secure Anonymised Framework for Electronic Health Records) is a programme enabling health data science, AI and machine learning based at UCLH and jointly supported by UCL’s Advanced Research Computing Centre and the NIHR University College London Biomedical Research Centre’s Clinical Research Informatics Unit.

Steve HarrisSteve Harris
Deteriorating ward patients and timing of admission to critical care - individual patient data from NHS hospitals.
NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative...NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative - Critica Care
This is the demo version synthetic data for Critical Care.
A Nasogastric tube (NGT) is a thin tube that is passed into the stomach via the nose for short- to medium-term nutritional support, medication administration...
Anne Onamus, Sue DonnymousAnne Onamus, Sue Donnymous
An investigation to see if it’s possible to cut flu out of the body using CT-guided surgery.