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Extract concepts and dosages from a Note using MiADE

Configuring the MiADE Processor

NoteProcessor is the MiADE core. It is initialised with a model directory path that contains all the MedCAT model pack .zip files we would like to use in our pipeline, and a config.yaml file that maps an alias to the model IDs and annotators we would like to use (model IDs can be found in MedCAT model_cards or usually will be in the name).

An example project structure may look like this:

├── model_directory/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── config.yaml

  problems: f25ec9423958e8d6
  meds/allergies: a146c741501cf1f7
  problems: ProblemsAnnotator
  meds/allergies: MedsAllergiesAnnotator
We can initialise the MiADE NoteProcessor by passing in the model directory which contains our MedCAT models and config.yaml file:

miade = NoteProcessor(Path("path/to/model/dir"))
Once NoteProcessor is initialised, we can add annotators by the aliases we have specified in config.yaml to our processor. Each annotator wraps around a MedCAT model and performs additional postprocessing pipeline steps:

By default annotators will add negSpacy to MedCAT, which implements the negEx algorithm (Chapman et al. 2001) for negation detection. This allows the models to perform simple rule-based negation detection in the absence of trained MetaCAT models. You can disable this in the configurations if you wish to use your own MetaCAT instead.

Creating a Note

Create a Note object which contains the text we would like to extract concepts and dosages from:

text = """
Suspected heart failure

prev history of Hypothyroidism
MI 10 years ago

Current meds:
Losartan 100mg daily
Atorvastatin 20mg daily
Paracetamol 500mg tablets 2 tabs qds prn

Penicillin - rash

Referred with swollen ankles and shortness of breath since 2 weeks.

note = Note(text)

Extracting Concepts and Dosages

MiADE can extract concepts in any code system you train your MedCAT models on. Each concept is code system-agnostic and contains:

  • name: name of concept
  • id: concept ID
  • category: type of concept e.g. problems, medictions
  • start: start index of concept span
  • end: end index of concept span
  • dosage: for medication concepts
  • negex: Negex result if configured
  • meta: Meta annotations if MetaCAT models are used

The dosages associated with medication concepts are extracted by the built-in MiADE DosageExtractor, using a combination of NER model med7 and CALIBER rule-based drug dose lookup algorithm. It returns the dosage information in a format that is can be easily translated to HL7 standards such as CDA and FHIR:

  • dose
  • duration
  • frequency
  • route

Putting it all together, we can now extract concepts from our Note object:

concepts = miade.process(note)
for concept in concepts:

# SNOMED CT codes
# {name: breaking out - eruption, id: 271807003, category: Category.REACTION, start: 204, end: 208, dosage: None, negex: False, meta: None} 
# {name: penicillin, id: 764146007, category: Category.ALLERGY, start: 191, end: 201, dosage: None, negex: False, meta: None} 
concepts = miade.get_concept_dicts(note)

# [{'name': 'hypothyroidism (historic)',
# 'id': '161443002',
# 'category': 'PROBLEM',
# 'start': 46,
# 'end': 60,
# 'dosage': None,
# 'negex': False,
# 'meta': [{'name': 'relevance',
#           'value': 'HISTORIC',
#           'confidence': 0.999841570854187},
# ...

Handling existing records: deduplication

MiADE is built to handle existing medication records from EHR systems that can be sent alongside the note. It will perform basic deduplication matching on IDs for existing record concepts.

# create list of concepts that already exists in patient record
record_concepts = [
    Concept(id="161443002", name="hypothyroidism (historic)", category=Category.PROBLEM),
    Concept(id="267039000", name="swollen ankle", category=Category.PROBLEM)

We can pass in a list of existing concepts from the EHR to MiADE at runtime:

miade.process(note=note, record_concepts=record_concepts)

Customising MiADE

Training Custom MedCAT Models

MiADE provides command line interface scripts for automatically building MedCAT model packs. This includes the unsupervised training and supervised training steps of MedCAT models, and the training and packaging of MetaCAT models, which perform additional context detection using a Bi-LSTM model. For more information on MedCAT models, see MedCAT documentation and paper.

The --synthetic-data-path option allows you to add synthetically generated training data in CSV format to the supervised and MetaCAT training steps. The CSV should have the following format:

text cui name start end relevance presence laterality
no history of liver failure 59927004 hepatic failure 14 26 historic negated none

# Trains unsupervised training step of MedCAT model
miade train $MODEL_PACK_PATH $TEXT_DATA_PATH --tag "miade-example"
# Trains supervised training step of MedCAT model
miade train-supervised $MODEL_PACK_PATH $MEDCAT_JSON_EXPORT --synthetic-data-path $SYNTHETIC_CSV_PATH
# Creates BBPE tokenizer for MetaCAT
miade create-bbpe-tokenizer $TEXT_DATA_PATH
# Initialises MetaCAT models to do training on
miade create-metacats $TOKENIZER_PATH $CATEGORY_NAMES
# Trains the MetaCAT Bi-LSTM models
miade train-metacats $METACAT_MODEL_PATH $MEDCAT_JSON_EXPORT --synthetic-data-path $SYNTHETIC_CSV_PATH
# Packages MetaCAT models with the main MedCAT model pack
miade add_metacat_models $MODEL_PACK_PATH $METACAT_MODEL_PATH

Creating Custom MiADE Annotators

We can add custom annotators with more specialised postprocessing steps to MiADE by subclassing Annotator and initialising NoteProcessor with a list of custom annotators.

Built-in Annotator pipeline methods include:

  • "preprocess": performs basic text cleaning and structural information on the note
  • "medcat": returns MedCAT output as MiADE Concepts
  • "dosage_extractor": uses the MiADE built-in DosageExtractor to add dosages associated with medication concepts
  • "deduplicator": filters duplicate concepts in list

You must specify the type of concepts your custom annotator returns (see Category), a pipeline processing order, and implement a postprocess() function. An example custom Annotator class might look like this:

class CustomAnnotator(Annotator):
    def __init__(self, cat: MiADE_CAT):
        self.reactions = ["271807003"]
        self.allergens = ["764146007"]

    def concept_types(self) -> List[Category]:
        return [Category.MEDICATION, Category.ALLERGY]

    def pipeline(self) -> List[str]:
        return ["preprocessor", "medcat", "postprocessor", "dosage_extractor", "deduplicator"]

    def postprocess(self, concepts: List[Concept]) -> List[Concept]:
        # some example post-processing code
        for concept in concepts:
            if in self.reactions:
                concept.category = Category.REACTION
            elif in self.allergens:
                concept.category = Category.ALLERGY
        return concepts

Add the custom annotator to config file:

  problems: f25ec9423958e8d6
  meds/allergies: a146c741501cf1f7
  custom: a146c741501cf1f7
  problems: ProblemsAnnotator
  meds/allergies: MedsAllergiesAnnotator
  custom: CustomAnnotator

Initialise MiADE with the custom annotator:

miade = NoteProcessor(Path("path/to/model/dir"), custom_annotators=[CustomAnnotator])

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